
Intermezzo to incubate the story
It's time to wrap up at the beginning of 2020 and incubate the story before we continue and achieve a turnaround of the 75% average failure into 75% worldwide succeeded digital initiatives....

The Monster of IT Conformism
Opinions differ when it comes to raising children. According to the dictionary it means ‘bringing up physically and mentally’. Other words for it are rearing and breeding. In the Western world it m...

The Forum for Artificial Fear or Artificial Intelligence?
There’s one thing that all people have in common: we scare easily. Bordering on the traumatic. Negative experiences will always leave deeper marks than all the other things we feel, and it’s not so...

Neither True Nor False!
I consider myself a fortunate man. I visit a lot of organisations and businesses, so I get to look behind the proverbial scenes a great deal. I am a man with a fondness for the binary system - ones...

Solve the past to perform in the future
Before I start my story I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Hans van Bommel and I like to call myself a Digital Transformation Accelerator. For the past 10 years I’ve been specializing in Digi...

SAFe is like playing billiards
As rational human beings we want to believe that the world always works through causality. ‘A happens because of B’ or ‘If I take measure C, I will get effect D’. Causality is our primary paradigm ...